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Mechanical and electrical industry to engage in major events: touch switch to subvert the experience

Hits:Updated:2017-08-23 17:08:10【Print】

Every time the scientific and technological revolution, gave the human life and work to change the way. After the era of industrialization, information age, the Internet age, the upcoming era of artificial intelligence, will bring more relaxed, efficient, minimalist new way of life and life. Under the wave of artificial intelligence, intelligent robots, smart home, autopilot cars, unmanned supermarkets, VR virtual reality and so on will become a reality. Everything in front of us is filled with infinite imagination in the future. Even the traditional simple box computer chassis, in the era of intelligence should also evolve a different pattern to meet the pursuit of beautiful dazzling players personalized needs.
However, the mechanical and electrical manufacturers for the design and innovation investment, far less than the core hardware vendors such as Intel, AMD, Microsoft and Apple and other giant companies. Chassis intelligent road, has been in the exploration. In the early stages of intelligent development of the chassis, by adding some simple fan speed control button, to achieve better temperature control effect. Later, the market gradually appeared some intelligent temperature control chassis, these chassis through the motherboard BIOS to control the fan speed, in order to achieve temperature control effect. These chassis form the prototype of the intelligent chassis.
However, these chassis in the intelligent evolution of the road is only junior. After a few years, through the optical drive to install a fan controller with a liquid crystal display, so that the fan inside the chassis running at a glance. Follow-up has introduced a number of controllers to join a variety of intelligent control mode, intelligent more and more high-level. Then, the lighting effect prevailed, chassis manufacturers have launched a glare chassis, and proceed to develop lighting control software, so that the light effect mode to achieve better visual effects. It can be said that the intelligent evolution of the chassis in the visual effects and intelligent practical aspects of improvement.
With the popularity of smart touch phones, people have long been accustomed to touch operation. In the field of intelligent chassis, and the birth of a new concept "smart touch switch". GOLDENFIELD new product 21 + towering Z3 chassis to take the lead into a reality. This is so far, the chassis for the first time the "traditional boot button" into "smart touch button", so that the chassis to achieve the effect of touch switch.


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